Seerah - the Prophet's Life
Dedicated to the biography of the final prophet and his life. With old and new contributions including translations of classic titles in English in varying styles and priorities as well as audiences.
Safiur Rahman Al MubarakpuriThe Sealed Necter (Large Size) (Ar- Raheequl-Makhtum)
Biography of the Nobel Prophet (Peace be upon him) Revised Edition
by Saifiur-Rahman Al-Mubarak..
Complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (S) by Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri. It was honored by the World Muslim League as first prize winner book. Whoeve..
Martin LingsAcclaimed worldwide as the definitive biography of the Prophet in the English language. Martin Lings’ life of Muhammad is unlike any other. Based on Arabic sources of t..
S M Hasan Al-BannaThis is a simple, concise and authentic account of the life of the Prophet Muhammad by Sharif H. Banna. Many a book has been written on this subject but this uniq..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Adil SalahiMuhammad Man and Prophet
The prophet Muhammad initiated one of the most significant religious and cultural developments in human history bringing into the world the re..
Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali NadwiThis book is an English translation of as-Sirat an-Nabawiyyah; a scholarly and thoroughly researched Arabic work of Shaykh Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi (May Alla..
DarussalamThe final Messenger
The Life story of Prophet Muhammad (saw) Verily, there has come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any ..
Imam Muhammad Ibn Isa Al-TrimidhiThe Sublime Beauty Of The prophet Al-shama'il Al-Muhammadiyyah
A complete translation of the classical text Al-shama'il Al-Muhammadiyyah (97819043..
Tahoa A-IsmailA succinct and readable account of the Prophet (SAAS)’s life based reliably on the earliest sources. It describes his difficult yet successful struggle to spread Isla..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Yasir QadhiFollowing Dr Yasir Qadhi's ground-breaking video lecture series on the sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (sws), this book is an equally impactful written adaptation. It prov..
This profound statement by Prophet Muhammad (s) compels us to recognise that we are all l..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Khurram MurradWho is Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was the last tract that Khurram Murad wrote as a final part of a trio on the Holy Qur'an and life and message of the Prophet Muham..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
In this book, Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy shares the multitude of proofs surrounding Muhammad’s (SAW) prophethood. There are abundant comprehensive rational pathways that lead to this o..
…Man needs the light of his past experiences to brighten his present and future. An, as I told you earlier, all the different segments of humanity which have done anything to make ..
Shakyh Abd Al-Fattah Abu GhuddahThere's hardly anything more discussed universally than education, that is, the delicate process of exchanging knowledge and values from one generat..
Qadi Iyad ( Aisha Bewley )Kitab Ash-Shifa bi Tarif Huqub al-Mustafa, (Healing by the recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One), of Qadi Iyad is perhaps:-The most frequently used..
The biography of the Prophet is a very noble and exalted subject by which Muslims learn about the rise of Islam, and how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was chosen by Allah to receive the ..
Ibn KatheerDarussalam is proud to present the abridged English Translation of the classic work: Al- Bidauah wan Nihayah. This book focuses on the events that took place after the d..
Imad ad-Din Ibn KathirDarussalam is proud to present the abridged English translation of the classic work: Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, focusing exclusively on the life of Prophet Muham..
'Abdur-Radhi Muhammad 'Abdul-MohsinNo other personality in history has generated more debate than that of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad.
He’s been ranked the number one most infl..
Ibn KatheerDarussalam is proud to present the abridged English translation of the classic work: Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, focusing exclusively on the delegations and expeditions unde..
Sa'd Yusuf Abu 'AzizThe author has chosen one hundred personalities amongst the companions He compiled narrations, hadiths and incidences that contributed to the distinction of the..
The life of our prophet mohammed peace be upon him. (9789960899305/624)..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Say: O mankind! Surely I am to you all the messenger of allah, of him to whom belongs the sovereignty of the heavans and the earth. There is no deity but he. He gives life and make..
Abdul Malik MujahidKnowledge of the Prophetic Seerah is incumbent upon every Muslim, whether young or old, male or female. This current book adds to those that have already been pu..
Fazlur Rehman ShaikhThe author examines in fascinating detail the discrepancies between dates in assorted calendars – the intercalated pre-Islamic, the Hijri, and the Julian calend..
Imam Jalaluddin as SuyutiAl-Khasa'is as-Sughra has enjoyed popularity among the masses for many centuries. It is the author's own summarised version of the merits that are exclusiv..
Category Standard
The Man Who Inspired the World's Fastest-Growing Religion
Muhammad presents a fascinating portrait of the founder of a religion that continues to change the course of world histor..
Adem Yakup Allah has sent Prophets to every nation throughout history so that they make sure their people the Straight Path. Some of the prophets have been granted miracles by the ..
Abdus-Subhan Ibn AmanullaImam Tirmidhi’s Ash-Shama’il al-Muhammadiyyah is a distinguished compendium of Hadith discussing the perfect features, lofty attributes, and and qualities ..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Ahmad GunnyThis magisterial survey of the prophet Muhammad in French and English literature over 250 years is both a cross-cultural history and a discussion over the intellectual c..
Category Standard
Husayn Al-AwayishahThe Prophet(PBUH) said, If one of you is afflicted with a calamity, then let him remember his calamity by me (i.e., by my death); for indeed, it is the greatest ..
Amana Publications
M. M. PickthallThe life of the Prophet Muhammad: A Brief History, originally an introduction for The Meaning of the Glorious Qur’an, is truly a gem of concision. Realistic and no a..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
hakan KosovaDedicated to the memory of Islam's Prophet Muhammad on the occasion of his birthday, this book includes articles that discuss various aspects of the Prophet and Islam's..
Justice Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al - AzhariThe birth of the Prophet was a momentous and revolutionary event. It was foretold by the earlier Prophets and eagerly anticipated by t..
This publication presents the special invocations of blessings and peace composed by Qutb al-Aqtab, Shaykh al-Hadith Imam Muhammad Zakariyya Muhajir Madani (Rahmatullah Alayh) whic..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Mustafa Ahmad al-ZarqaThis booklet tells how the Prophet has been the most influential figure in human history, representing a unique yet harmonious blending of roles as diverse as..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Omar SuleimanThrough 30 beautifully detailed chapters with narrations from companions, take a journey from only knowing about Muhammad (sws) to knowing him and loving him and feel ..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Mohammad Elshinawy & Omar SuleimanTHE PROPHET OF MERCY
This short and wonderful book provides 70 examples of difficult situations from th..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Zakaria BashierIs a timely work in which Dr. Zakaria Basier gives a Moving Account of the story of Hijra, a story of endurance and triumph in the face of seemingly insuperable adve..