Spirituality & Self Development

Many titles focused at character, personality development and purification of the mind, body and soul. Includes daily actions of the morning and evening, prophetic supplications to in-depth discourse and insights on spiritual growth based on translations of classic titles and key contributors on the subject.


Excellence of patience & gratefulness

Ibn Al QayyimExcellence of Patience and Gratefulness by Ibn Al-Qayyim. Translation of Uddat al-Sabirin wa Zakhirat al-Shakirin by Ibn Qayyim. Patience and gratefulness are two esse..

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Tawassul (HID)

Nasiruddin Al-AlbaniTawassul SL: 000000 Seeking a means of nearness to Allaah - Its types and its rulings. 'The people are in great confusion about the matter of Tawassul and its ..

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Tawakkul (Trust and Reliance on Allah)

Shaikh Saleh Al-FawzaanTawakkul on Allah has a tremendous place in the stations of servitude to Allah; Allah distinguishes His believing slaves from other than them by it. Therefor..

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DS - Preventative Measures Against Shaytan

Mustafa Ibn Al-AdawiIndeed It is only Shaytan that suggests to you the fear of his helpers, so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers. Surah Al-'Imran 3:175} W..

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Awakening from the Sleep of Heedlessness

Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 AH)There are those who submit to Allah's order and achieve success. Others are wasteful of time and thereby loss and regret. Whoever lives his life in accordan..

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Selected Supplications For the Day and Night

Selected Supplications for the Day and the Night (9789960897530/621)..

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The True Secret (Hardback)

Amira AyadAs human beings, we all desire happiness, good health and peace of mind. As Muslims, we strive to live every aspect of our lives in accordance with our Islamic beliefs, ..

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DS-The Spiritual Cure

Al-Tabari, Al-Baghawi & othersA Summary of numerous Classical Commentaries of the Qur'an at-Tabari, al-Baghawi, Az-Zamakhshari, ibn Atityyah, Ibn Jawzi, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Qayyim, Ibn..

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Weakness of Iman

Shaikh Muhammad Salih al-MunajjidWeakness of Iman Its Signs of Weakness, Causes and cure The phenomenon of weak Iman has become very widespread among Muslims, and many people comp..

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The Path to Self - Fulfilment

Sakina HirschfelderThe Path to Self-Fulfillment seeks to uplift your inner soul and give you the necessary means to live a fulfilling life based upon both the love of Allah and the..

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Fazail - E - Amaal - English : Sadaqat Vol 2

Mawlana Md Zakariyya KaandhlawiThis is an extended edition of Fazail-e Sadaqat published under the name Fazail e A'maal Vol.2 and includes Fazaile Hajj and Fazaile Tijarat in one v..

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Understanding the Evil of Innovation BID'AH

Abu Muntasir Ibn Mohar 'AliThis booklet has discussed very efficiently the fallacies of bid’ah – innovation – and convincingly pleaded not only to avoid it but also try to stop whe..

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The Essentials of jumua

Ibrahim Madini Can a women lead in Jumu’a? What are the obligatory and Sunna requirements of the Jumu’a an innovation? Is the first call (adhan) for Jumu’a an innovation? Can th..

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Mukhtasar Ihya Ulum Ad-Din

Imam Al - GhazaliPublishers Preface : By the publication of this book entitled Mukhtasar, we aim to acquaint an English-speaking readership with the abridged version of Muhammad ..

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The Excellence of Knowledge

Ibn Rajab Al HanbaliThis Small treatise brings to light many amazing and intricate points of benefit with regard to knowledge and discerning between which of its types are benefici..

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Al-Jumu'ah: The Day of Congregation

Dr. Gowher YusufIn our busy lives, Friday comes around once a week. It often comes and goes without our being really aware of it. For many Muslim men, it may be punctuated by the c..

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Which Way to Paradise?

K. ShermanWhich way to paradise? seeks to elucidate Islamic principles and injunctions and elaborate on the very spirit of Islam, while at the same time exposing and refuting commo..

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A Taste Of Patience

Mohamed Eid Al-AraimiThe writer is a survivor of an accident that altered his life. He is a man who managed to overcome adversity and transform bitterness into personal success as ..

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Paradise: Its Blessings and How To Get There

Ali Hasan Ali Abdul-HameedThis book describes Paradise and its inhabitants as portrayed in the Qur’an and the Hadith, then discusses the various rewards and blessings that are prom..

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Cornerstone Books / Media

The Holy Quran is the Spirit of the Islamic Ummah

Al - Shahid Al - BushikhyThis small booklet argues for a reconnection with the Quran as guidance to revive the ummah. (9789775059666/8134)..

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Ranks of the fearful

This book is a translation of 'Al-Khawf Haqiqatihi Wa Bayan Darajatihi' Allah, the Most High, has praised those who possess the attribute of a heightened sense of fear Saying, ..

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Dar as Salam Egypt

True Repentance In The Light Of The Noble Quran

Salim al - HilaliRepentance is the first stage of the journey towards success, the first step towards eternal happiness, and the servants of Allah do not abandon repentance. They c..

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Al-Hisnul Hasin

Al-Hisnul Hasin is a compilation of the supplications of our Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam written by well-known scholar of Hadith Allamah Ibn al-Jazri. The original work is ..

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The Secrets of Asceticism

This guide introduces modern readers to the commentary of medieval scholar al-Qurtubi and presents his rulings on how believers should regard wealth. Topics include the importance ..

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The Accepted Whispers (Small Size)

Mawlana Ashraf Ali ThanawiThe Accepted Whispers. English translation of Munajat-e-Maqbul by Khalid Baig. Over 200 Du'as From The Quran and Hadith For Daily Reading Du'a (supplica..

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Prayers of the Last Prophet

Yusuf IslamThis book, as its title suggests, focuses on one particular aspect: prayer, in Arabic du’a. It contains a small section of prophetic supplications and Qur’anic verses, a..

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The Essential Pearls and Gems of Ibn Taymiyyah

Dr. Muhammad Al - ArifiIn this book, Dr. Muhammad Ibn Abd ar-Rahman al-'Arifi has selected material from the huge corpus of Ibn Taymiyyah's work and made it accessible to the ordin..

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Affection and Aversion

The subject of Walaa (affection) for believers and Baraa (aversion) with disbelievers is one of the most important religious issues which is related to the Articles of Faith. Lack ..

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Al-Ghazali on the Lawful and the Unlawful

Imam al GhazaliThe Book of the Lawful and the Unlawful is the fourteenth chapter of The Revival of the Religious Sciences which is widely considered as the greatest work of Islamic..

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Category Standard

DS -The Greatness of Seeking Forgiveness and Repenting to Allah

Shaikh Abu Abdullah Mustafa bin al-AdawiIbn Hazm lived in Al-Andalus in the tenth and eleventh century AD. He is accepted by both Islamic and Western scholars as one of the outstan..

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IBT - Islamic Book Trust

IBT - Al-Ghazali Music And Singing

Abu-Hamid-al-GhazaliAre music and singing allowed in Islam? If the answer is a definite yes or no, then why has the question of its lawfulness become the subject of debate among Mu..

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Dar as Salam Egypt

Night and Early (advantages and distavantages of getting up)

Dr Talat Muhammad AfifiIN the varying circumstances of our present day life, many aspects seem to have totally changed. People have started getting used to sleeping most of the day..

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Kube / Islamic Foundation

Seven Steps to Spiritual Intelligence

Based on the teachings of classical scholars including Imam Ghazali and upon years of practical experience in teaching young Muslims, Dr Musharraf Hussain has given us a contempor..

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Cornerstone Books / Media

The Essence of Sufism

Shaykh Abu Bakr al-Mullaufism, or taṣawwuf, has been the classical name given to the Islamic discipline of purifying the heart of its spiritual maladies. The Qur’an has warne..

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Cornerstone Books / Media

8 Steps for developing Khushu in Salah

Khushu’ is the essence of Salah. Salah without Khushu’ is like a body without a soul. When Salah is prayed without Khushu’, it is as though we are presenting Allah with a lifeless ..

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Dalail Al Khairat

New Black and White Edition This new printing brings to a close a monumental project that has spanned the length and breadth of three continents and taken countless months of pains..

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Category Standard

HID-The Evil of Craving for Wealth and Status

This is the first English translation of the book Sharh Hadeeth Maa Dhi'baan Jaai'aan... written by the great scholar Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee (d.795H). In his book Ibn Rajab provides..

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Cornerstone Books / Media

Marvels of the Heart

Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (also pronounced as Ghazzali) is one of the Gifts of Allah to his Ummah. Illustrative of this is that our scholars have titles him Hujjatul-Islam- The pro..

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Kube / Islamic Foundation

Remembrance and Prayer: The Way of Prophet Muhammad

Yusuf Talal De LorenzoHAYKH MUHAMMAD AL-GHAZALI (1335-1416 AH/ 1917-1996 CE) was one of the pioneers of the contemporary Islamic revival. Born in Egypt, he graduated from Al-Azhar ..

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Cornerstone Books / Media

The Divine Reality: God, Islam and the Mirage of Atheism

Hamza Andreas TzortzisIn The Divine Reality, Hamza Andreas Tzortzis provides a compelling case for the rational and spiritual foundations of Islam, whilst intelligently and compass..

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Showing 161 to 200 of 288 (8 Pages)