Islamic jurisprudence, titles covering the 5 pillars of Islam and general do's and don'ts in the life of Muslims in the East and West. With both classic translations and contemporary compilations too.
Islamic Text Socity
Mohammad Hashim KamaliA person’s right to life, personal security, privacy, and ownership are the most basic of all the fundamental rights and liberties and are of concern to all l..
Claude FieldThose who deny the reality of the ecstasies and other spiritual experiences of the Sufis merely betray their own narrow-mindedness and shallow insight. -from "Concernin..
Islamic Text Socity
Dr Mohammad Hashim KamaliIn Freedom, Equality and Justice in Islam, M H Kamali presents the reader with an analysis of the three concepts of freedom, equality and justice from an I..
Category Standard
Muhammad Al JibalyDescription from the publisher: This book is part four of the "Enter into Islam... Completely" series and deals with the authentic Sunnah performing acts of worsh..
White Thread Press & Turath
Mufti Muhammad Taqi UsmaniTHERE IS A GROWING sense of concern today among consumers, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, about the healthfulness of what they eat. Health food stores have ..
Amal Press
The Hidayah represents the refined, distilled and authentic version of a legal tradition developed over many centuries. It presents the corpus of Hanafi law in its approved and pre..
Kutaiba S. ChalebyThis is the first book in Forensic Psychiatry that focueses on the application of psychiatry to legal issues connected with Islamic jurisprudence. Holding a uniqu..
Cornerstone Books / Media
Musa FurberFor centuries, Abu Shuja al-Asfahani's legal primer Matn al-Ghayat wa-l-Taqrib (The Ultimate Conspectus) has been a standard text for introducing students of the Shafii ..
Category Standard
Maulana Mohd. S. AL MamunAuthor: Maulana Mohd.
Author: S. Al Mamun
Size/Vol.: A5 (14.8x21 cm - 5.83x8.27 in)
Language : English
-Binding: Paperback
- Pages: 135
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham BurhaniZakat, an obligatory almsgiving, is one of the five pillars of Islam. The importance of this Islamic obligation is highlighted by the fact that it is ..
American Trust Publications
As-Sayyid SabiqFiqh us-Sunnah : Islamic Legal Rulings Concerning the Sayings and Actions of the Prophet (pbuh) Book of Worship : (New 5 volumes in 1 Single Combined Edition) New Re..
Islamic Text Socity
Mohammad Hashim KamaliIslamic Commercial Law: An Analysis of Futures and Options focuses on options and futures as trading tools and explores their validity from an Islamic point o..
Category Standard
Mohammad M.AbdulhameedRules Of Inheritance - According to the Islamic Doctrines (9782745179777/19438)..
Fasting and Zakah are two of the five precepts of Islam that provide benefits not only to an individual; but to the society at large. Darussalam brings forth a set of 215 Fatawas r..
IBT - Islamic Book Trust
Saim KayadibiThis work constitutes a critical analysis of classical and modern aspects of the concept of istihsan (juristic preference), an important principle in Islamic legal leg..
Mufti M Taqi UsmaniThis book is about fine-tuning the salat so that common errors are avoided and true concentration and devotion is achieved. Pocket sized book.
Dar Al-Taqwa
Abu Bakr Abdur RazzCircumcision is a topic which has been fiercely debated from is still raging today. In modern times several world conferences have been held to debate circumcisi..
Category Standard
Saleem Al-HilaaleeAn excellent book describing in detail the fast of the Messenger of Allah and additional issues related to the month of Ramadaan. A highly recommended book for th..
Category Standard
Mashhoor Bin Hasan Aal-SalmaanIn this treatise,common mistakes made in prayer (salaah) are clarified for the Muslim.its main goal is to highlight such mistakes in order to prevent ..
Cornerstone Books / Media
Abu Shuja' al-Asfahani; Musa FurberThe Ultimate Conspectus A translation of Abu Shuja' al-Asfahani's introduction to classical Islamic law, Matn al-Ghayat wa al-Taqrib. This enduri..
Islamic Text Socity
Imam NawawiImam Nawawi’s classic manual of Islam, al-Maqasid, was first composed as a fiqh matn, or synopsis of the practical requirements of Islam—faith, purification, the prayer,..
Category Standard
Ibn RushIbn Rushd's Bidayat al-Mujtahid, (The Distinguished Jurist's Primer) occupies a unique place among the authoritative manuals of Islamic law. It is designed to prepare the j..
Hazrat Moulana Sayyid Muhammad Mia SahebNurul lsbaah is a concise, but very comprehensive commentary of the world-renowned juristic work, Nurul ldhaah.
The noble author, Hazrat Mo..
Muhammad Umer ChapraThe maqasid al-shari’ah (higher intents and purposes of Islamic Law) have been either directly stated in the Qur’an and the Sunnah or inferred from these by a n..