Focuses on the subject of Islamic Belief or Aqeeda and its various components, understanding and explanations both classic and contemporary.
Abdallah Ibn Alawi al-HaddadImam Al-Ghazali (may God's mercy be on him) wrote in his book The Beginning of Guidance:
You should not neglect your time or use it haphazardly; on the..
Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-'UthaymeenBefore you is the English translation of Sharh Thalaathatul-Usool by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen. This is an explanation of the booklet..
Imam Muhammed Ibn Abdul WahhabThis book is a brief yet extremely beneficial explanation of Muhammad ibn Abdal Wahab's famous Kitab al Tawhid. The book, as the title suggets, deals ..
I.A. IbrahimThis Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims and the Holy Quran.
It is rich in information, references, bibliography, and illustr..
Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali"Abdullah Ali's faithful transaltion of a section concerning the meditation of death from Ibn Rajab's famous work on yearly devotions is much needed in our cult..
Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-JilaniA Concise Description of Jannah (the Garden of Paradise) and Jahannam (the Fire of Hell) is excerpted from the larger work, Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq a..
Ibn Rajab Al- HanbaliIn the Sahih of Al Bukhari and muslim, it is reported that Anas ibn Malik narrated that the Prophet said: "Three things follow the deseased person (to the grav..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Omar SuleimanFor Those Left Behind: Guidance on Death and Grieving
As our community encounters death at an increasing rate, how do we honour those who have left us beyond the Jana..
B. B. AbdullahA selection of beautiful and practical pieces of advice from the Quran, the Prophet PBUH and Islam's great scholars
'on repentance, guidance and purification. This b..
MET - Muslim Edu Trust
Ghulam SarwarThis book presents Islam as the complete way of life, in language easily understood by young and old alike.
Reknowed around the globe, and rated 5 stars at
Sami Al MubarakFrom haunted houses and levitating object to demons invading and taking over human bodies. There are abundant movies available in the Western world which focus on th..
Dr Zakir Naik…One of the distinguishing features of our civilization is the presence of a large number of religions and ethical systems. Mankind has always sought to understand the..
A basic Hanafi textbook on the laws of purity, salat, funerals, Haj, etc, used widely throughout the Islamic schools of England and South Africa. New edition with all Urdu removed ..
Abdul-Hakim ibn Muhammad Nassar As-SalafiWriting about Paradise is of great importance in view of its significance in the belief of a Muslim. This belied makes him eligible for enj..
Shaykh Salih al-FawzanImam Abu Ja’far At-Tahawi | Expl: Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzan
Creed is the basis of religion. It is the substance of the first pillar of Islam, the testimony that..
Muhammad Mustafa al JibalyThis book starts by presenting a spiritual understanding of sleep from the Islamic viewpoint, which is followed by guidelines for recommended evening, pre..
Abu Hammam Sayyed Murad SalamaThis book will help you overcome all you worries, and begin a new chapter in your life. Then you will be free to think clearly, act decisively and fee..
Shaykh Mufti Saiful IslamThese last ten Surahs are not only distinct in their meanings and message which will be discussed in this book.... (9781909114234/17280)..
Samira Fayyad KhawaldehThis book is ideal for children f five years and upward. Through these activities children are introduced to the best-loved stories from the Qur’an, as well ..
Muhammad Ibn Khalifa Al-TamimiThe author presents the belief of Abl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jama’ab which is the creed of the first few generations of Muslims and those who followed in thei..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Abdur Raheem Kidwai"Allah's are the names most beautiful. Whatever is in the heavens and earth extols His glory."—The Qur'an (Al-Hashr 59:24)
"Allah has 99 names. He who remembers..
Aliyah Umm Raiyaan'Du'aa or supplication is one of the cornerstones of worship in Islam. Almighty Allah wants us to worship Him by calling out to Him, asking Him, seeking His help ..
Abu Hanifa: Abu ’l-Muntaha al-MaghnisawiAl-Fiqh al-Akbar is one of the earliest texts written on Islamic creed and one of the surviving works of Abu Hanifa, the Great Imam of juri..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Abdur Raheem KidwaiThis beautiful presentation of Blessed Names and Characteristics of Prophet Muhammaddraws the reader nearer to the Prophet through contemplation and reflection o..
Cornerstone Books / Media
Tharik HussainFilled with quotes, sayings and teachings from the Qur’an and a curated selection of prominent figures, this little book will uplift and inspire you for a peaceful, p..
Dar Al-Taqwa
Dr Mostafa MahmoudDialogue with an atheist: Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud (2017) Dar Al Taqwa, Tr. Mohamed Yahia, existence of God, why God created evil, Proofs Dialogue with an Atheist is a..
Abu Abdur Rahman Nasir As-SadiThis treatise has been extracted from the opening words of Shaykh Abu Abdur Rahman Nasir As-Sadi's Tafsir of the Quran, taysir al Karim al Rahman, in ..
Waheed Abdussalaam BaliThe Author’s Introduction
All praise is die to Allah, we praise Him, seek His Support, Guidance and Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah, from the evils of ..
Muhammad Al-Akili (Ibn Sirin)Dreams interpretation is one of the earliest knowledge that was revealed to humankind. This valuable book is a useful manual of types of dreams and the..
Shaykh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya KandhlawiIf the Imams of the four schools [madhahib] established all of their rulings from the Qur an and the Sunna, why have they differed on s..
Sword Against Black Magic & Evil Magicians. This book will help you to overcome all your worries, and begin a new chapter in your life. Then you will be free to think clearly, act ..
Kube / Islamic Foundation
Huseyin AlgulThe blessed days, nights and months are each a distinctive sign of Islam. They are celebrated by Muslims all around the world in due respect to their unique worth and ..
Imam Ibn Al JawziIt is from enmity and hopelessness of the devil that his endeavour to misguide mankind from the Path of Allah will persist. This misguidance takes many shades and ..
M. A. K. SaqibThis book is the result of direct research into the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) and makes numerous references to the original sources. It contains all the e..
Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-TamimiSome of the major tribulations of human existence are the consequences of committing sins and spreading evil into the world. This important book reco..
Compiled by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin KhanThis booklet about advent of Jesus Christ on earth once again and how he will end the corruption of Ad-Dajjal (pseudo Christ).After the coming o..
Shaikh Muhammad bin Jamil ZenoThe original text of this book is the Arabic Language. The distinctive feature of this book is its simplicity, Sheikh Muhammad bin Jamil Zeno, while w..
Abdur-Rahman Al-SadiDescription from the publisher: Allah, the Exalted says, "Do you not see how Allah sets forth a metaphor of a good word: a good tree whose roots are firm and wh..
Majed S. Al-RassiEach person is born into a religious environment that is not his or her own choice; a child is raised in the religion of ideology of his or her family, society or ..
Dr. Salih Al FawzanThis book gives a clears explanation of the Muslim sound Creed which... (9786036860818/8253)..