The Day of Rising


  • Author Laila Mabruk
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
Laila Mabruk
In this sequel to her well-Known book The Soul’s Journey after Death, Layla Mabrouk addresses and answers these many other questions concerning the events of the last day. using many example from the Qur’an and Hadith she vividly brings home to the reader the overwhelming reality of what will inevitably confront every human being on the day of Judgement “about which there is no doubt”. She covers every part of it, including the Rising from the Dead, the Presentation of the Books, the setting up of the Balance, the crossing of the Bridge over the fire, the Arrival at the Basin of the Prophet and the Entry into the Garden or Hillfire. All this is interwoven with well chosen anecdotes and analogies so that is urgent relevance to the lives of all who read it is immediately apparent.


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