Usul al-Fiqh

Dedicated to the principles that helped to develop Islamic law and jurisprudence. Titles both broad and specific focussed on topics such as the fundamental jurisprudential principles to key areas such as the objectives behind Islamic laws and rulings.


The Absolute Essentials of Islam

Faraz Fareed RabbaniA Basic Hanafi Primer on Faith, Prayer, & the Path of Salvation. Allah has commanded us to worship and obey Him, with sincerity, out of reverence, love, and tha..


Kube / Islamic Foundation

Apostasy in Islam

Taha Jabir AlalwaniWhat is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the demand for religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2..



Towards Realization of The Higher Intents of Islamic Law

Gamal Eldin AttiaThis book takes an important step “towards the realization of the higher intents of the Islamic law”. First, it opens the door towards the integration of contempor..


IBT - Islamic Book Trust

IBT - Conflicts and Tensions in Islamic Jurisprudence

Noel J CoulsonThe conflicting interests of stability and change in law are a problem common to all the worlds’ legal system. But nowhere is the problem of adapting established law ..



Maqasid Al-Shariah Made Simple

Mohammad Hashim KamaliMaqasid al-Shari’ah, or the higher goals and objectives of Islamic law, is an important and yet somewhat neglected theme of the Shari’ah. Generally the Shari’..



Shariah : Islamic Law

Abd Ar-Rahman I. Doi A must for every Muslim household, this best seller is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of Islamic Law including family relations, marriage and divorce, cr..



Al-Shafi'i's Risala

Imam al-Shafi'iWritten in the second Islamic century by al-Imam al-Shafi'i (d. 204AH/820AD), the founder of one of the four Sunni schools of law, this important work gives the fund..



Taleemul Haq - HB

Shabbir Ahmed E. Desai Ta'leem ul Haq is a well-known text book on all matters of Islam, such as Faith, Cleanliness, Salat, Fasting, Zakat, and other basics of the faith, according..

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How To Pray by Shk Ibn Baz

Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah bin BazHow to Pray According to the Sunnah of The Prophet This small book describes the content and the steps to perform prayer in Islam. How To Pray Accor..

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The Evolution of Fiqh (PB)

Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal PhilipsAbout the book: In the Evolution of Fiqh (Islamic Law & the Madh-habs). The author very clearly presents a brief overview of the historical development..

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The Inseparability of Sharia & Tariqa

Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya KandhelwiThe Inseparability Of Sharia & Tariqa By Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhelvi (r.a) (9781936157037/3829)..

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Fiqh According to the Quran and Sunnah Vol 1

Muhammad Subhi bin Hasan HallaqThis book illustrates the many facets of our daily life according the Quran and Sunnah. This book is nicely divided into many sections starting with ..

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The Evolution of Fiqh (HB)

Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal PhilipsThe origin of Islamic law and its evolution and the four schools of law (math-habs) are discussed in this work along with the reasons for differences a..

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Maqasid Al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law

Jasser AwdaIn this pathbreaking study, Jasser Auda presents a systems approach to the philosophy and juridical theory of Islamic law based on its purposes, intents, and higher obje..

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Ibn Ashur: Treatise on Maqasid Al-Shariah

Muhammad Al-Tahir Ibn AshourIbn Ashur’s famous and pioneering study of the Shariah’s higher objectives and goals. To restore the intimate contact between Muslims and the Qur’an sch..

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Cornerstone Books / Media

The Political Shariyah

Imam Ibn TaymiyahIn this book the Shaykh explains the obligation of the Ruler and the Ummah’s responsibilities towards the Ruler. The Shaykh explains the principle by which to sele..

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Maqasid Al-Shariah: A Beginner's Guide

Jasser AwdaCurrent applications (or rather, misapplications) of Islamic law are reductionist rather than holistic, literal rather than moral, one-dimensional rather than multidimen..

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IBT - Islamic Book Trust

IBT -This Law of Ours and other Essays

Muhammad AsadThe thesis propounded in this book is based on several essays published in the periodical Arafat, which the author wrote and edited in the 40’s. Arafat was a “one man’..

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Category Standard

The Prophet's Prayer Described

Nasiruddin Al-AlbaniThis book can be considered a more advanced study of the daily Salat. It is a more scholarly description of the daily Prayer. Each aspect of Salat is presented ..

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Islamic Text Socity

Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence

Mohammad Hashim KamaliThis third edition of the best-selling title Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence has been completely revised and substantially enlarged. In this work, Prof Ka..

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Imam Al Shatibis - Theory of Higher objectives and Intents of Islamic Law

Ahmad Al-RaysuniThis book represents a pioneering contribution presenting a comprehensive history of the objectives of Islamic Law in its various aspects, as well as a painstaking ..

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OUP & Penguin

Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation

Tariq RamadanTariq Ramadan has emerged as one of the foremost voices of reformist Islam in the West. In one of his previous books, 'Western Muslims and the Future of Islam'he urged..

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Showing 1 to 22 of 22 (1 Pages)